We’re about halfway into the first quarter of 2023. I had been avoiding the news for a few days and I’m sure something happened today; I’ll look it up later.
I went to fuel up my car and get my car washed. Gasoline price is still hovering around $4.50 – $5.00 USD per-gallon in my area. For some reasons, one of the major fuel station has much lower pricing than others. I paid $3.99 per gallon there.
Today is the unofficially-a-Holiday-in-the-United-Stares-day. Some championships game and lots of commercials on TV to discuss. Who won? You can look it up on the Internet if you’re out of the loop. Lots of food and alcohol were consumed today in front of television screens. Some kind of “half-time” entertainment that is not really performed live was also talked about. Yeah, you can look it up on the internet.
Anyway, today I noticed an iMac with red tints around the screen edges. I believe it is a 2014 iMac, and I’ll correct it later, maybe.
I can sure find a used panel as a replacement, but this iMac is not in macOS Ventura compatibility list. Sooner than later, this iMac should be retired from connecting to the internet for safety reasons.
Starting off the day with a few texts and phone calls on Saturday morning. I went to help a well known Photographer at his house today, working on Adobe Photoshop.
Then I went to visit friends of mine who happened to have issue with the thermostat. We went to hardware store and looked for a replacement thermostat. We considered getting one of this “smart thermostat” but eventually we settled with a regular one.
Thankfully we planned ahead and figured out which thermostats are compatible with the current system.
It took me about 20 minutes to replace the thermostat.
I’m going to have a quite busy weekend as I will be setting up three M2 MacBooks Air for the office. I need to make sure the specialized softwares and workflows would work in macOS Ventura.
Currently we are running macOS Monterey on our production machines.
I just had two units of Apple 35W Dual USB-C Power Adapters delivered at the office earlier today. I am going to use them with a pair of HomePods mini, and freeing two ports free on the power strip. Each 35W Dual USB-C Power Adapter will supply power to a HomePod mini and a Lighting compatible devices, such as an iPhone or AirPods.
I also have a few Power Adapter Extension Cables that I kept from previous MacBook power adapters. Apple no longer include the extension cables with MacBooks for quite some times, which they now sell separately for $19.99 USD.
I also collected these extension cables whenever someone discarding their broken power adapters.
By the way, today is a pretty warm day in February; hovering around highs 70 to low 80 °Fahrenheit. The same goes for tomorrow according to weather forecast.
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