Day 18, 2023: On the road, longer than I wanted.

Spent a lot on the road today, and got stuck on I-405 for quite a bit. Traffic was pretty bad in the evening. Then I finished setting up an M2 MacBook Air.

Still thinking about what configuration of M2 MacBook Pro I would get.

By the way, I’m interested in getting HomePod 2nd generation. I would need to get two of them for proper stereo pairing. I purchased 2 original HomePods when they were on sale. One of them stopped working a few month ago. I would have to wait until the HomePod is on sale again.

Day 16, 2023: Return of the King

Good news for the day, the King of the neighborhood has returned after “missing” for 5 days. We are all so happy to see Bloo T. Cat showed up in good health. There’s a chance that he was stuck in someone’s garage the whole time we were looking for him.

On other news, this happened:

Scratched up front bumper

Not sure what happened. Certainly we’re going to have to decide what to do next.

It was raining hard today as it might be the last rain cell for the next 10 days.

Day 15, 2023: A Thirsty Cat

It’s Sunday and another rainy day. Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. and a federal holiday in the United States. Well, except in certain States, 🙄.

Today, Biggie T. Cat is doing a lot better. He walks around the house and uses the litter box. He doesn’t have any fever, which is a good news. We are still giving him his medications, and it is getting harder as he gets better. He now has the strength to resist. It is indeed a good news.

Day 14, 2023: Two inches of Rain

It was raining for most of today, and we got 2 inches of rain. To that effect, I spent the day at home.

On other news, Biggie T. Cat is getting so much better today. He got up and walked around the house, demanding his regular ration of treats. He is a long way from being himself. He also wanted to drink straight from the faucet, but I had to lift him up to the sink.

Day 13, 2023: Friday!

Are you superstitious?

Unfortunately there is a potential bad news as we learned that one of the cats and THE cat in our neighborhood has been missing. We feared that he was taken by a coyote.

Day 12, 2023: Cat

I missed most of the daylight as I was indoor most of the day today. Sky was clear and the moon looks awesome.

On other news, Biggie T. Cat’s condition is improving, but he is still sick.

Biggie T. Cat