Day 90, 2023: Smart Pigeon

What can I say other than it is another rainy day. I went for a visit and saw a pigeon staying dry in the back porch.

That pigeon was not the only one occupying the porch, as i panned to the right, I saw a cute dog on the table.

Day 79, 2023: Staying on Windows 10

I’m setting up a new computer at the office and we’re sticking with Windows 10 for now for many reasons. One of them is compatibility with number of softwares we’re using; some specialty softwares.

I always clean install Windows on our new computers.

Day 74, 2023: Hello, iMac.

I received an M1 iMac in pink and red to work on today. Where’s the M2 iMac, Apple? Is it possible the iMac would skip M2 and go straight with M3 chip?