January 3, 2025: Bad Computer, Bad!

I started the day by moving an SSD from one Lenovo ThinkCentre to another. After a few software updates, the second monitor was recognized by the system.

Today I found out an online friend passed away on New Year’s Eve. I hardly knew him and yet I feel sad. Our online community is holding a memorial in his honor.

January 2, 2025: Minty?

Having Christmas and New Year’s Day on Wednesday sure affects a lot of people. I don’t even realized it is Thursday today. Some people are off until Monday while peasants like me have to get back to work immediately after the first of the year.

By the way, Atoms Shoes, Model 000 is still much better than Model 251.

The Answer Lies Somewhere

At first, I talked about physical therapy for my hands on another site. I decided to delete any references to the physical therapy on said site.

Instead, I’ll be talking about it here.

Some years ago, I sustained a few injuries on my hands and fingers from multiple activities, including sports among others.

Sometimes around 2014, I couldn’t make fists on both hands. Apparently those injuries finally caught on to me.

With proper medications and physical therapy, I finally able to mitigate the issues. Yet, I do feel that I had lost dexterity in both hands.

Sometimes in 2022 I started another physical therapy to increase dexterity. It was a tedious process and still is. It dawned on me that practicing guitar helped increasing strength and dexterity on my fingers. So I did some exercise on guitar on daily basis, whenever I could. I am far from being proficient again in playing guitar, and yet I have made a lot of progress.

To make this process of therapy interesting, I started rearranging songs that I like for a single guitar performance. Obviously I’m starting with a lot of slow-tempo songs. Some of them have interesting chord changes that require me to improve the way my hands and fingers move.

These days, I am working on one song that most of my friends never heard of; not a popular song.

Well, I for one enjoy this process of therapy.

Wait a minute. I haven’t been posting for a long time.

I was planning to post a lot more here, unfortunately I was easily distracted by events in my life. I could have posted about the rocks that I came across in the road of my life, I simply couldn’t bring myself to share them.

I once told someone that I’m an open book. A book filled with riddles.

Maybe I can learn to trust myself and being more open to others.

Cross section of a tree

Poor Kitty

Sometimes last week, we found one of our kitty friends was limping. So we took him to the Vet.

Apparently he got into a fight with an unknown cat and had 2 abscesses; on one the front led and one on the neck.

The Vet drain the abscesses. He is due for another visit tomorrow to remove the drains.

Day of Fewer Moves

Just like most indoor cats, I did a lot of “catting” today. I stayed home for most of the day, taking care of home stuff.

Went to dinner with a few friends and we chatted the night away.

I have a few things in my calendar for Sunday.