Day 30, 2023: Visiting an Apple Store

I went to an Apple Store for a Genius Bar Appointment. One M1 MacBook Air is having trouble charging the battery. We were able to replicate the issue and parts were ordered. I decided to get another set of Power Adapter and USB-C Charge Cable, to see if the issue was not caused by the internal components in the MacBook Air.

I have swapped the Power Adapter and the Charge Cable in troubleshooting the issue. Unfortunately the result was inconclusive. I’m hoping the new Power Adapter and Charge Cable would give me better ideas on what’s going on with the MacBook Air.

By the way it was raining today, again.

Day 26, 2023: Humidity and Temperature Sensors

I finally got around to installing Apple TV and HomePod mini software updates (16.3) today. The latest update enables Humidity and Temperature Sensors in HomePod mini; which are also enabled in HomePod 2nd Generation.

Update: one HomePod mini is still installing the update. I am going to leave it running and check back tomorrow.

Day 23, 2023: “Well, the Day belongs to You.”

I managed to cook soft boiled eggs to accompany home mad Ramen Noodles for dinner. Today is birthday 🥳 for someone special.

On an unrelated news: iOS 16.3, iPadOS 16.3, watchOS 9.3, and macOS Ventura 13.2 are now available for download.

No release notes???

Day 18, 2023: On the road, longer than I wanted.

Spent a lot on the road today, and got stuck on I-405 for quite a bit. Traffic was pretty bad in the evening. Then I finished setting up an M2 MacBook Air.

Still thinking about what configuration of M2 MacBook Pro I would get.

By the way, I’m interested in getting HomePod 2nd generation. I would need to get two of them for proper stereo pairing. I purchased 2 original HomePods when they were on sale. One of them stopped working a few month ago. I would have to wait until the HomePod is on sale again.