The Answer Lies Somewhere

At first, I talked about physical therapy for my hands on another site. I decided to delete any references to the physical therapy on said site.

Instead, I’ll be talking about it here.

Some years ago, I sustained a few injuries on my hands and fingers from multiple activities, including sports among others.

Sometimes around 2014, I couldn’t make fists on both hands. Apparently those injuries finally caught on to me.

With proper medications and physical therapy, I finally able to mitigate the issues. Yet, I do feel that I had lost dexterity in both hands.

Sometimes in 2022 I started another physical therapy to increase dexterity. It was a tedious process and still is. It dawned on me that practicing guitar helped increasing strength and dexterity on my fingers. So I did some exercise on guitar on daily basis, whenever I could. I am far from being proficient again in playing guitar, and yet I have made a lot of progress.

To make this process of therapy interesting, I started rearranging songs that I like for a single guitar performance. Obviously I’m starting with a lot of slow-tempo songs. Some of them have interesting chord changes that require me to improve the way my hands and fingers move.

These days, I am working on one song that most of my friends never heard of; not a popular song.

Well, I for one enjoy this process of therapy.

Wait a minute. I haven’t been posting for a long time.

I was planning to post a lot more here, unfortunately I was easily distracted by events in my life. I could have posted about the rocks that I came across in the road of my life, I simply couldn’t bring myself to share them.

I once told someone that I’m an open book. A book filled with riddles.

Maybe I can learn to trust myself and being more open to others.

Cross section of a tree